** Introduction
** Installing or setting options
** Entries
** Compare and upload
** Files properties
** Variables substitutions
** Buttons bar
** Email parameters and registration
** Service
** Annexes
** DOWNLOAD AblyFTP 2.7.0
** AblyFTP version 2.7.0 Freeware ( 06/30/98 )
* About ethic
* What is AblyFTP ?
* System Requirements
* You have to know
* Invisible inactive buttons
* Browsing background colours
* Folders as documents
* Misc Usages
Installing or setting options
* Installation
* Languages
* Colors
* misc
* Files extensions to ignore
* Shortcuts to share files and folders
* Filters
* Sub-accounts
* Web page for the managed entries
* local virtual FTP Server
** Setting a normal R/W FTP entry
** Setting a local tutoring entry
* Create a new entry
* Setting an existing entry
* Erasing an existing entry
* Comparing Web and Local contents, uploading
* Making the Web and local entries page
* Command line
* Items list aspect
Compare and upload
** List Icons
* The comparative listing
* Icons when dowloading
* Updating
* Warning buttons
* Downloading the Web directory listing
* Downloading the default import folders listing
* Downloading the Web folder contents
* Erasing the Web folder contents
Files properties
* Action on selection
* Updating the selection
* Robots.txt management
* Import mode
* Files and folders to ignore
* Rename
* Clear the interrupted update flag
* Downloading
* Reading Web directory
* Forcing update or not
Variables substitutions
* The variables
* Déclaration
* Call
* Activation
* Verify
* substitue.exe version 0.001
Buttons bar
* Exit
* Setting the entries
* Closing an entry
* Toggling between entries
* Refresh button
* Global Parameters
* Buttons bar size
* Items list aspect
* Explorers
* To do
* Select All and Nothing buttons
* Forcing update or not
* Warning
* Updating
* Downloading
* Reading Web directory
* Erasing the Web folder contents
Email parameters and registration
* interactives infos
* Appreciation and comments
* Ordering
* Maintenance service listening
** AblyFTP Folders and Files
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